Thursday, July 19, 2012

A Rant. Deliver me from the heart of the misery ...

... quote from the song "Delivery" written by Peter Doherty and performed by  Babyshambles.

link to video of  the song  "Delivery" by Babyshambles   E.M.I. 2007  directed by Douglas Hart
Brighton punks, WhitMonday 1979 ©Paul Roundhill

all characters in this blog are fictitious,

nothing is true, everything is permissible

 Chiang Mai was of course the "heart of the misery" or at least the  Golden Triangle, notorious centre of opium production and heroin, so it is ironic that  Lazy Eye management chose this region and this rehab centre ......... as Bogart said .. " of all the bars in all the world ...."

Was it genius or irony or cynicism and why did a partner in the company that divest Peter of 40% of his income accompany him into rehab?

Why after three weeks there was Peter still being prescribed methadone?

What kind of qualifications are required to manage a world-class talent?

Sophistry, power, cocaine, banking, corporations, nicotine, the masses of the opium. poppy day - morphine and bullets. alcoholism, Islam, the wedding at Canaa, the Somme Afghanistan the FARC the Taliban.

 A world of denial..

What is becoming clear is that the Chiang Mai rehab deal engineered by Andy Boyd was a kind of "contra deal",  publicity in exchange for recovery, the p.r. is desperately bandying the name of Michael Barrymoore around in its attempts to maximise the opportunity. elephant trekking, luxuriously appointed cabins. A sort of Champneys crossed with Glasto - without drugs, on the river Ping ... ahh there's an irony ...."Ping"  Barclays, South American investments.

Lets face it addiction is a logical step forward from existentialism in mankind's attempts at wrestling with the condition of life ....I'm stoned therefor I am ...  and if you ask me ... which you are not doing .. because what the fuck do I know? We are in a world of denial where the dead hand of vested interests ... the alcohol trade, governments, the church, the banks and corporations fail to rise to the challenge that faces us all - human nature and rivers of money as great as the mighty Amazon.

People like Cameron sneaking into toilets in groups at parties, Blair and Bush going "out the back" at Camp David. Blair's remark to Noel Gallagher at no 10. WEDGE

Coca-Cola makes a good time great.

Peter might have failed in this latest rehab attempt but as he once said to me as I pleaded with him to consider the potential outcome and ramifications of immersion in class A"s , his personal well-being, his fame, his family - "We must face it bravely" -Whitechapel 2003

follow link to video of first recorded version of the song "Delivery"


He is at the very least, for all his complexity, an honest man and a genuine artist, he is impossible not to love.

I must listen more carefully to the lyrics of "Delivery". (EMI)